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- 40-Minute - No Homework - Please note Precept Australia does not stock this series anymore - email for information
- Discover 4 Yourself - Kids - Please note Precept Australia does not stock this series anymore - email for information +-
- Lord Series - Please note Precept Australia does not stock this series anymore - email for information
- New Inductive Study Series - Big Picture Studies - Please note Precept Australia does not stock this series anymore - email for information
- Sweeter than Chocolate! - Please note Precept Australia does not stock this series anymore - email for information
- Cookies on the Lower Shelf - Please note Precept Australia does not stock this series anymore - email for information
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NASB 1 Corinthians In Out Workbook
1 Corinthians-In & Out Workbook (NASB)
In & Out Workbook (NASB) . . . 1 Corinthians - Overcoming Divisions and Difficulties in the Body of Christ- - (12 lessons)
Why are there so many divisions in the church? Why does the church sometimes tolerate sin? Are you experiencing any of the same problems that the Corinthians did in your own relationships or in your church? If you have similar questions, this study is an important resource. Learn how to pray by knowing God's mind and will on divisions. What does God say about marriage, divorce, remarriage? Tongues? Prophecy? Giving? Paul addresses these issues raised by Corinthian believers.
SPECS:[Product number: 70694; ISBN: 978-1-62119-376-0